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07.11.2010 14:13

Pozor na invertování kitu

04.06.2009 22:44


Jo to je prej ten název - invertování.  Zkrátka se nafukovací kite protočí na opačnou stranu, překroputí se ban a rupne! Přesně to jsem zažil před pár dny s Ozonem Instinct. S klasickými Cé -čky se mi to nikdy nestalo. 


Vždycky to nevynde

06.02.2009 23:50


Tak jsem v týdnu razil na Vysočinu. Nejbližší kopec nad 600m.n.m. od Brna je asi Sykoř, náhorní plochy kolem vesničky Synalov vypadaly podle googlu provozuschopně (přece nebudu ztrácet hodinu cestou na Fryšavu, ne?) Je to 25 km, vítr měl nárazy přes 15m/s, tak jsem z práce vyrazil. Sníh byl dost vyfoukanej, občas lezl krtinec, ale šel jsem hned na věc. Louka tak 500m celkem členitá.  8m Access tahal jak zběsilej, po pár neplánovaných poletech bylo jasný, že bude veselo. Nechtěl jsem se ale zdržovat nafukováním 5m Rebela. Při jednom přistání, jsem dával obvzlášť pozor, abych nerubnul náběžkou do země. Miglo to se mnou pěkně barem do země a schytal to palec na ruce. Trčel od baru a šel jako první do ledové plotny. Doktor na rentgenu hlásil frakturu, takže na nějakej týden mám klídek.

Z toho mám poučení, že při jakýmkoliv vzlítnut od země je třeba  kita držet vždy nad hlavou a mít ho na baru přitáhnutýho, aby bylo přistání hladší. Hlavně ale před dosednutím přiklopit všechny údy! Co trčí bude uraženo.


První zpráva

13.12.2008 00:03


Tak jsem zahájil, fakt nás to docela chytlo a je o čem si na tomto webu povídat. Přidávám diskuse a ankety, postupně to začněm krmit!

 Číst zprávy tohoto blogu je možné i přes RSS kanál.




Jѕem obуcе?na hоlkа. Chсі poznаt obуce?neho vaznehо muzе.

Vsiml ?ѕem ѕi, ze mnоhо kluku dava prednоst normalnim divkam.
Тleѕkam muzum tam venku, kteri melі kоule uzit ѕi laѕku mnоhа zеn a vуbrаt ѕi tu, о ktеre vedel, ze bude ?eho nе?lерsim рritеlem behеm te hrbоlаte а blaznive veci zvаne zіvоt.
Chtelа ?sеm byt tоu kаmaradkоu, nе ?еn stabilni, spolеhlivоu a nudnоu zenou v domaсnostі.
Je mі 24 let, Chrіstіna, z Cеske reрublikу, umim take аnglісky.
Каzdорadne muj prоfіl nаjdete zdе:


an experimental drug

unifiram (developmental code name dm-235) is an experimental drug which has antiamnesic effects in animal studies and with significantly higher potency than piracetam. sunifiram is a molecular simplification of unifiram (dm-232). another analogue is sapunifiram (mn-19). as of 2016, sunifiram had not been subjected to toxicology testing, nor to any human clinical trials, and is not approved for use anywhere in the world.


Syn-Coll in comestic.

Palmitoyl tripeptide-5 triflate is a component of cell transduction, and promotes the production of collagen. It is commonly used in anti-aging and anti-wrinkle cosmetics.


Are you 18? Come in and don't be shy!

Welcome to the world of adult Dating


treatment of candidemia, acute disseminated candidiasis, candida peritonitis, abscesses and esophageal candidiasis.

micafungin, sold under the brand name mycamine, is a polyene antifungal medication used to treat and prevent invasive fungal infections including candidemia, abscesses and esophageal candidiasis. it inhibits the production of beta-1,3-glucan, an essential component of fungal cell walls. micafungin is administered intravenously. it received final approval from the u.s. food and drug administration (fda) on march 16, 2005, and gained approval in the european union on april 25, 2008.

micafungin is indicated for the treatment of candidemia, acute disseminated candidiasis, candida peritonitis, abscesses and esophageal candidiasis. since january 23, 2008, micafungin has been approved for the prophylaxis of candida infections in patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (hsct).

micafungin works by way of concentration-dependent inhibition of 1,3-beta-d-glucan synthase resulting in reduced formation of 1,3-beta-d-glucan, which is an essential polysaccharide comprising one-third of the majority of candida spp. cell walls. this decreased glucan production leads to osmotic instability and thus cellular lysis.


Are you 18? Come in and don't be shy!

Welcome to the world of adult Dating


treat and prevent graft-versus-host disease in bone marrow transplantation

ciclosporin, also spelled cyclosporine and cyclosporin, is a calcineurin inhibitor, used as an immunosuppressant medication. it is a natural product. it is taken by mouth or by injection into a vein for rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, crohn's disease, nephrotic syndrome, and in organ transplants to prevent rejection. it is also used as eye drops for keratoconjunctivitis sicca (dry eyes).

common side effects include high blood pressure, headache, kidney problems, increased hair growth, and vomiting. other severe side effects include an increased risk of infection, liver problems, and an increased risk of lymphoma. blood levels of the medication should be checked to decrease the risk of side effects. use during pregnancy may result in preterm birth; however, ciclosporin does not appear to cause birth defects.

ciclosporin is believed to work by decreasing the function of lymphocytes. it does this by forming a complex with cyclophilin to block the phosphatase activity of calcineurin, which in turn decreases the production of inflammatory cytokines by t-lymphocytes.

ciclosporin was isolated in 1971 from the fungus tolypocladium inflatum and came into medical use in 1983. it is on the world health organization's list of essential medicines, the safest and most effective medicines needed in a health system. in 2017, it was the 248th most commonly prescribed medication in the united states, with more than one million prescriptions that year.

medical uses
ciclosporin is approved by the fda to treat and prevent graft-versus-host disease in bone marrow transplantation and to prevent rejection of kidney, heart, and liver transplants. it is also approved in the us for treating of rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis, persistent nummular keratitis following adenoviral keratoconjunctivitis, and as eye drops for treating dry eyes caused by sj?gren's syndrome and meibomian gland dysfunction.

in addition to these indications, ciclosporin is also used in severe atopic dermatitis, kimura disease, pyoderma gangrenosum, chronic hives, acute systemic mastocytosis, and posterior or intermediate uveitis with noninfective cause.[citation needed] it is also used, albeit infrequently, in severe rheumatoid arthritis and related diseases.[citation needed]

ciclosporin has also been used in people with acute severe ulcerative colitis and hives that do not respond to treatment with steroids.


a treatment for cytomegalovirus (cmv) retinitis in people with aids.

cidofovir, brand name vistide, is an injectable antiviral medication primarily used as a treatment for cytomegalovirus (cmv) retinitis (an infection of the retina of the eye) in people with aids.

cidofovir was approved for medical use in 1996.

medical use
dna virus
its only indication that has received regulatory approval worldwide is cytomegalovirus retinitis. cidofovir has also shown efficacy in the treatment of aciclovir-resistant hsv infections. cidofovir has also been investigated as a treatment for progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy with successful case reports of its use. despite this, the drug failed to demonstrate any efficacy in controlled studies. cidofovir might have anti-smallpox efficacy and might be used on a limited basis in the event of a bioterror incident involving smallpox cases. brincidofovir, a cidofovir derivative with much higher activity against smallpox that can be taken orally has been developed. it has inhibitory effects on varicella-zoster virus replication in vitro although no clinical trials have been done to date, likely due to the abundance of safer alternatives such as aciclovir. cidofovir shows anti-bk virus activity in a subgroup of transplant recipients. cidofovir is being investigated as a complementary intralesional therapy against papillomatosis caused by hpv.

it first received fda approval on 26 june 1996, tga approval on 30 april 1998 and ema approval on 23 april 1997.

it has been used topically to treat warts.


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